Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . .
Matthew 28:19
Over the decades First Baptist Kemp has supported missionaries around the globe through partnerships and giving through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. Over the last twelve years we have had the privilege of partnering with works in Brazil, British Columbia, and the Horn of Africa. Currently, our commitment and priority is to the work in the Horn of Africa among the Sparrows peoples. We've adopted these people and are partnered with missionaries in the area who have served almost a decade among this group. The Sparrows are a people that are less than 1% Christian. They are people who do not yet have a Bible in their native language. The New Testament should be in the final stages of translation and should be complete by early summer 2022. During Covid, many thought the work would come to a halt. However, the Word of God has spread among the peoples, and we are getting reports of people coming to faith in Christ, churches are being established, and Christ is being glorified.

We just don't go to the ends of the earth...
We make disciples right here.
Just as we engage other countries and peoples throughout the world, we prioritize the same work here in our own backyard. Not only do we engage our community with the Gospel, but we also work hard to develop lasting friendships with our community. We want our community to know we care. One such friendship is with KEMP ISD. For almost a decade we have partnered with KIDS Beach Club and KEMP ISD to mentor kids in grades 3-6. Not only are we able to invest in them and help them develop character, but we also encourage them to know God has uniquely created them to make a difference. As we teach character traits that have a biblical precedent, we also point them to the love God has for them through Jesus Christ.